
Da Vinci


Fixed the blog's layout up a little bit. You probably won't notice a big difference but everything is a bit more aligned properly and the comment link is more attractive and junk. We added an about us page that links to a page with all of our Everybody Is Ugly articles, so if you wanted to find one quickly or something, they're there. There's also cool previous/next links on the posts so you can scroll through easily! Seriously, click them. They're so magical! Haha. By the way, thanks for all of the positive feedback on the videos/Halloween post!

DANIEL: Iris is wearing this dark blue amazing, thick neoprene-ish polyester shirt from H&M and there's an amazing back-story to it. We were in NY at H&M with Heather and both Iris and I go up to the cashier at the same time and while I'm paying I look over to her and see the price on her screen and I think, "Did you take something out?" She's like, "no." So I'm just thinking, "why is your price, like half off of what you should be paying?" While walking out of the store, Iris checks her receipt and notices that the guy didn't charge her for basically the only piece of clothing she had (the rest were jewelry). Free shirt? What? Why didn't that happen to me! I hope nobody is reading this and reports her, hahaha. Her blue skirt is thrifted and matches perfectly with the shirt, even though she originally hesitated to wear them together. She said they were "too adult-ish." As you probably already know, Iris likes looking like a little girl all the time. haha. 
I'm wearing this gigantic red t-shrit and some equally large black trousers. I think I need these pants in every single color. The entire look is about two dance moves away from a XL-sports jersey-90s-boyband look but the necklace, tote bag, creepers and slicked hair take that away a little. I'm also kind of reminded of a certain dance party in a smart house. So high fashun. I love this necklace, even though I wish it was a little shorter. I saw one kind of like it in Topman in New York and it was $70 for plastic beads, I died in the bad way. Thank you H&M for giving me my dreams for $12.75 instead. 

Iris: H&M shirt and plastic tote, Thrifted skirt, Patent loafers, White beaded bracelet
Daniel: Nautica t-shirt, American Apparel tote, Thrifted pants, Demonia creepers, F21 + H&M jewlery


  1. love the boy's outfit! The creepers are real cool and I like the fact that you used wide pants for the fit (Y) skinnies are dope but not always the real solution! cool blog guys!

