
Dots, Patterns, Plastic. Oh My!


Here are some of our favorite pieces from the Marni at H&M collection. Trying to keep the spending reasonable, but in this situation, it's obviously a “buy now, think return later” kind of mindset. Iris is excited for the bright plastic accessories, which are priced amazingly for what they are; Daniel is is in need of the leather jacket-shirt hybrid.


  1. you've got me more excited for this collaboration, caaan't wait for the launch! :) coveting that bright neon necklace, beautiful.

    <3, Kathleen.

  2. yes! leather shirt hybrid! i'm thinking of DIYing that ... whenever i get around to hitting up goodwill/salvation army

  3. I would be excited... but we don't have a H&M here in Hawaii. I'm so jealous!!
    Maybe I'll pay a ridiculous amount of cash on some of the pieces on Ebay? bleh..

  4. The plastic accessories remind me a lot of the ones I wore as a child. Very much excited for the collars ☺
