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forgoing the elastic and using a barrette to pull the hair back.
giant sweater and a v-neck dress to mix comfort with constriction.

1 comment:

  1. woww wowww woww...your all photos very2 amazinggg...wuhuuu love it:))
    Hey!:) I am a blogger from Indonesia..
    i like your blog,because i find much interesting information esp. about fashion...
    and i done following your blog:))
    when you have free time maybe you could follow back my blog
    Hopefully we can share though we are different languages...
    Although my blog in indonesia but i do hope you ' re still get the point of the photos in any posting on my blog...
    I have also asked sorry if my english still sound strange, because i still under study
    And last me just say "do not forget follow back to my blog"heheeee:))

